Friday, June 25, 2010

Bright Lights Coney Island

So here are a couple of the final images from my shoot in Coney Island with DL. I loved being able to play with the bright colored lights. It was fun and I can't wait to go back and shoot again. DL did a great job in front of the camera & we had a nice chemistry. I hope that we get to work together in the future.

Being in Coney Island really gets some creative juices going, so when I return, it should be a fun time with lots of images to choose I just need the model....any volunteers?

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Coney Island

Anyone who has worked with me knows that I can't wait more than 24 hours to get at least one image posted up! Today is no exception. I had a shoot today with Dashawn Wade a.k.a. DL. I have been wanting to shoot at Coney Island since before I moved to NYC, so I threw out the idea and DL was more than excited to do it. We tried to get out there before the sun set and caught it right as it went down. This is one of the images we got. This image is straight out of the camera. The only thing I did was minor retouch and my logo. Not bad! I will have more up from the shoot in the next couple of days.