Friday, October 29, 2010

bright colors!

As some of you may know, I bought a new light & it came in the mail the other day! I was like a kid at Christmas time & I couldn't wait to play with it. I have been wanting to play with color gels for awhile so I busted them out with the new light. It was fun! I like the bold colors...there will be more in the future...if you want to be in the series of images, please let me know!


So yesterday I got to shoot with the lovely Alyse from APM models. I wanted to take advantage of the beautiful day so we shot outside at Central Park. It was probably the last warm day we will see until the spring. It was a quick & easy shoot & I got a lot of beautiful images. Here are just a few of my favorites.

Sunday, October 24, 2010


Today was a gorgeous day for a I did one! Here are some of the images from the shoot with KT and Roly in Brooklyn.